Basketball Season is Back!!

It's that time again, Basketball has started, Friday 17th Oct 1900 at City Fitness
Afterwards, head down to Crowded House and chill with a cold beverage and maybe a game of pool !!

HNZ Christmas Party

Well since Christmas is rolling around quickly. If anybody has any suggestions of what we can do, or wanting to volunteer to help organise this. Please let Trudy or Jo know.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, as we need to start getting things on the roll..



Basketball Finals Tonight , 8th August, First game 1730 hrs and Second game 1800hrs @ City Fitness. Afterwards, head down to ICONS for discounted beverages and have a FREE Hot Beef Sandwich until 8pm. Come out and support the HNZ TEAM SEE YA THERE DON'T BE LATE!!!!

Manager's Shout - Lone Star Grill!!

Staff members!! Come out this Saturday night (July 26), starting at about 9:30pm to the Lone Star Grill here in New Plymouth. We will be watching the All Blacks play OZ - Tri Nations. All staff members in attendance receive a "unique rugby" prize.


Manager's shout! - first person who gets Harry's trivia question correct gets shout of a beer and appetizer!! See you there!! Game starts @ 10:00pm.


We are please to announce that Engineer Brad Cave and his wife Tammy have a new addition to there family.

Max Cave was born 22 July - 9 pounds 2 ounces

Mother and son are doing fine.

Here at HNZ NP, We wish them all the best!!


Well it's that time again!!

Basketball on Friday night, 11th July, 1830 hrs sharp @ City Fitness. Afterwards, head down to ICONS for discounted beverages and have a FREE Hot Beef Sandwich until 8pm. Come out and support the HNZ TEAM SEE YA THERE DON'T BE LATE!!!!

HNZ Basketball's New High!!

Well folks it was bound to happen!!! After some intensive training and long discussion's and tactics meetings around the white board HNZ "139's" won thier FIRST game.
After a strong game by our residents Pro Dan "Kareem" Pirihi who was supported well by Rangi "Magic" Pirihi, Anthony "3 point" Carino, Amelia "Fast Hands" Crowley, Jake "The Muss" Carino, Josh "Larry Bird" Pirihi, Alex "Big Al" Carroll, Skiv "the Hitman" Devescovi the opposition was dumbfounded by our lack of cohesion and any need of a game plan and run around trying to figure out what we would do next.
GREAT Efforts by all and hopefully we can keep it up for the run into the finals!!!!

Friday Night Basketball!!

HNZ Basketball on Friday night, 20 June, 6pm sharp @ City Fitness. Afterwards, head down to ICONS for discounted beverages and and FREE hot roast beef sandwiches until 8pm. Come out and support the BIG RED MACHINE!! SEE YA THERE!!


We are pleased to announce that Off Shore Pilot Peter Darling and his partner, Michelle, have a new addition to there family!

Brooke Darling was born on 17 June - 9 Pounds

Mother and Daughter are doing fine.

Here at HNZ NP, We wish them all the best!!


Break out the AFRO's and bell bottoms!! 70's Theme Party.
Awesome band ACCUMEN playing from 9pm 'till late.
When: Saturday, 14 June 2008
Where: Aeroclub Hangar
Cost: $25.00
BYOB with nibbles for all in the hanger
LAST CHANCE FOR TICKETS until Wednesday, 11 June. Contact Pilot Brendan Cahill.
Doors open @ 7pm and close @ 830pm. Bring tickets for entry/Don't be late!!


We are pleased to announce that Co-Pilot Anthony Carino and his partner, Gerry, have a new addition to the family!

Khalel Luciano Carino was born 8 June - 7 pounds 9 ounces

Mother and son are doing fine. More information to follow.

Here at HNZ NP, We wish them all the best!!


First HNZ New Plymouth basketball game is June 6th @ 1800 City Fitness Center. 3 on 3 format. Come out and support the Big Red Machine!